
The cultural space in Nīca is included in the National Intangible Cultural Heritage List

At the Council meeting of the Intangible Cultural Heritage it was decided to include four new values to the Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) List.

13. November, 2022

Letter of Intent between Liepaja, South Kurzeme and Kuldiga to be signed

The diverse programme of the European Capital of Culture 2027 project in the period 2023–2028 will contribute to the socio-economic growth of the city, attract international attention, promote tourist flows, develop the creative industries sector, etc.‍

10. November, 2022

Experience exchange in Portugal

The main goal of the conference was to strengthen the capacity of European cities to implement the projects included in their applications, regardless of whether or not a city was awarded the title of “European Capital of Culture”.

18. October, 2022

Liepaja is participating in an international project to study the impact of music on the socio-economic situation of the city

The project will involve several months of research on the music field, together with representatives from other European and international countries, evaluating various criteria and developing a handbook.

7. October, 2022

More than 30 foreign Ambassadors visit Liepaja

The delegation in Liepaja was hosted by the City Council’s leadership together with representatives of the concert hall “Great Amber”, the Liepaja Special Economic Zone, the European Capital of Culture 2027 and 17th-19th century interior museum “Madame Hoyer’s Guest House” representatives.

28. September, 2022

A Call for Liepāja residents to contribute to the 2023 calendar

Everyone is welcome to fill in a questionnaire in which they are kindly encouraged to choose and tell which European values are dearest to their hearts, how they are perceived and, briefly, how and why they are important to each individual.

25. July, 2022

Reinforcing our capacity with friends from Portugal and Poland

During the two-day experience exchange, we presented our partners with Liepāja’s current experience in implementing e-services and digitising processes.

15. July, 2022

Liepāja 2027 Foundation to be established in early 2023

he kick-off activities will start in autumn and will continue through 2023 and 2024, while a much wider programme will be implemented towards the 400th anniversary of Liepāja in 2025 and then until the end of 2027.

14. June, 2022

Have a look at Liepāja’s European Capital of Culture 2027 Bid Book

The International Jury has announced its decision and now we can publish the Bid Book of Liepāja, South Kurzeme and Kuldīga.

11. May, 2022

Liepāja wins the title of European Capital of Culture 2027

On Tuesday, 10 May, the international jury announced the winner of the European Capital of Culture 2027 title and the honour will go to the city of Liepāja.

10. May, 2022