Open Call for Projects to Support Masterclasses

Open Call for Projects to Support Masterclasses

To boost the capacity of the creative industries and enrich the “Liepāja – European Capital of Culture 2027” programme, the Liepāja 2027 Foundation is launching an open call for projects to support masterclasses.

This initiative aims to provide financial support for masterclasses targeted at professional artists and artist collectives, amateur art collectives, technical production specialists (lighting, sound, scenography, costumes, production, etc.)

Participants must either be involved in or plan to be involved in the Liepāja 2027 programme, with the goal of honing skills that will contribute to the professional execution of this landmark cultural event.

Cultural and creative industries organisations are welcome to submit project proposals that focus on organising dynamic masterclasses designed to elevate the creative skills of artists and collectives. These workshops must be hosted in Liepāja, South Kurzeme Region, or Kuldīga Region, offering a valuable opportunity for participants to grow their expertise and contribute to the vibrant cultural landscape of the area.

Total funding available amounts to EUR 17,000 with individual project funding from EUR 500 to EUR 2,000. Application deadline is 6 October 2024. Masterclasses must be implemented between 1 November 2024 and 30 April 2025.

Applications will be reviewed and evaluated by a selected jury.

For competition terms and conditions, please visit:

The application form is available here: