Local Authorities Support 24 Cultural Heritage Building Conservation Projects

Local Authorities Support 24 Cultural Heritage Building Conservation Projects

As part of the cultural building conservation programme, in 2024 the Liepāja Municipality will support 24 cultural heritage building conservation projects with a total co-financing amount of EUR 134 815,81. This funding will assist all submitted projects in preserving historical structures throughout the city.

After evaluating the applications, all 24 submitted project proposals were accepted, though two received partial support. The majority of the funding, EUR 100 924,08 is allocated to construction works, while EUR 33 891,72 will support the restoration of architectural elements and the preparation of necessary documentation.

Seven projects will receive support for comprehensive building restoration, namely – warehouse facade restoration on Zivju iela 2A, second stage of facade restoration on Fr.Brīvzemnieka iela 26, third stage of facade restoration on Kūrmājas prospekts 19, second stage of veranda restoration on Kr.Valdemāra iela 16, eghth stage of facade restoration on Bāriņu iela 26, first stage of facade restoration on Tirgoņu iela 15, and first stage of facade restoration on Zivju iela 10/12.

Eleven projects will receive funding for the restoration of specific building elements, and those are – Tirgoņu iela 15, 17, and 20: Production of external doors, Zivju iela 2A: Construction of oak gutters, Zivju iela 10/12: Restoration of external doors, Baznīcas iela 18: Restoration of external doors, A.Pumpura iela 10: Restoration of a gate, Bāriņu iela 24: Restoration of two windows, Bāriņu iela 20: Restoration of four analogue windows, Peldu iela 2: Restoration of external doors, Toma iela 43: Restoration of external doors.

Meanwhile, ten properties will begin the process of heritage preservation with co-financed documentation preparation – Graudu iela 40, Lielā iela 7, Alejas iela 6, Graudu iela 34, Ludviķa iela 27, Toma iela 43, O. Kalpaka iela 5/9, Uliha iela 53, Zivju iela 2, Tirgoņu iela 17.

The co-financing amount comprises EUR 50 000 originally budgeted and an additional EUR 85 000 from dividends allocated by the Liepāja City Council at its 23rd May meeting session, along with EUR 2 000 from recoveries of previously unimplemented projects. This expanded budget allows the municipality to support all submitted projects under the co-financing programme regulations.

Since 2015, the Liepāja Municipality has been organizing the co-financing procedure in line with the binding regulations “On Liepāja City Municipality Co-financing for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage Monuments.” The programme funds site research, construction project preparation, and restoration work for buildings or their structural elements.

A consolidated map detailing the conservation programme for cultural monuments in Liepāja is available online. This map shows the buildings eligible for municipal co-financing and provides information on buildings that have already received funding. The map can be accessed at Liepāja Cultural Heritage Map, where you can navigate through the different layers of the map and view information on buildings that have already received funding: https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/bd31221d323f43499d6874ecbfa4d550/page/Lietotne/?draft=true