“Liepāja Art Forum” Starts with Painting Exhibition Celebrating Artists’ Growth Journeys

“Liepāja Art Forum” Starts with Painting Exhibition Celebrating Artists’ Growth Journeys

On Friday, 27 September, the “Liepāja Art Forum” will open with a painting exhibition titled Growth Stories. 15 Years of the SEB Scholarship in Painting, featuring the works of 15 artists. The exhibition explores not only the evolution of their artistic skills but also contemporary societal issues through various techniques and perspectives.

The Art Academy of Latvia has teamed up with the with SEB Bank to put together Growth Stories bringing to spotlight the development and growth paths of artists who have received the SEB Painting Scholarship over the past 15 years. Their works capture a broad range of experiences, interests, and attitudes, reflecting both personal journeys and societal changes.

Having already been exhibited in Cēsis, Growth Stories arrives in Liepāja to inaugurate the contemporary art festival “Liepāja Art Forum”. The exhibition’s concept aligns with this year’s festival theme, Continuity. “Supporting the growth of young artists is a powerful and visionary investment in the future. It nurtures the idea of continuity, which is the essence of this year’s festival theme. This beautiful collection shines with a brilliant display of worldly perspectives from diverse artistic talents, presenting works full of life and energy, offering us a glimpse into the future,” explains Baiba Bartkeviča, Artistic Director of the festival.

Visitors will have the chance to see the work of all SEB Scholarship recipients, including Neonilla Medvedeva, Atis Jākobsons, Zane Tuča, Elza Sīle, Laimdota Malle, Klāvs Loris, Madara Neikena, Zīle Ziemele, Sandra Strēle, Kristaps Priede, Anna Pommere, Krišjānis Elviks, Madara Kvēpa, Alise Builevica, and Katrīna Biksone.

Curated by Inese Rozentāla, the exhibition features art that explore a variety of themes, ranging from personal identity to societal issues, from nature landscapes to universe, and from metaphysics to memory. Many pieces transcend traditional painting techniques, creating a more immersive, three-dimensional experience for viewers.

Since 2008, the SEB Scholarship in Painting has supported young artists from the Art Academy of Latvia in their creativity, talent and skills, offering financial aid, a trip to a Contemporary Art Fair in on the Europe’s cities, and a creative workshop, nurturing the next generation of creative talent.

The exhibition will be accessible to the general public free of charge until 3 November at the concert hall’s Civita Nova Art Space. It will be open to the public from 11:00-17:00 on weekdays and 10:00-15:00 on weekends.

The “Liepāja Art Forum” Contemporary Art Festival is organized by SIA Lielais Dzintars. Ltd, with support from the Liepāja Municipality, the State Culture Capital Foundation, Valmiermuiža, Kokmuiža and Gardu muti, SEB Bank, the Art Academy of Latvia, VV Foundation and Liepāja Pēter’s Market. For more information about the festival programme please visit: https://lielaisdzintars.lv/en