Liepāja Art Forum Festival Celebrates Its 10th Anniversary This Year

Liepāja Art Forum Festival Celebrates Its 10th Anniversary This Year

From 27 to 29 September, the contemporary art festival “Liepāja Art Forum” will celebrate its tenth anniversary under the banner “Succession.” This milestone event will offer attendees a unique journey through seven performances of music, art, and contemporary dance, all designed to prompt reflection on personal and collective awareness.

“This year, we’ve embraced 'Succession' as our festival theme, aiming not only to ponder the future of the festival but also to thoughtfully consider the future of our society and each individual. We live in stressful times, surrounded by growing uncertainty and sadness. Mark Rothko's monumental dark purple canvases in the Rothko Chapel in Houston capture this sentiment perfectly, encouraging us to look inward, reflect, and find strength within ourselves. 'The Rothko Chapel' is also the name of a stunning composition by American composer Morton Feldman, which has become the centrepiece of our festival’s tenth anniversary. The Chapel's mission to highlight our shared humanity and create a world where everyone has a place resonates deeply with us. It serves as a profound inspiration for our festival and the Liepaja Concert Hall, transforming it into our own kind of Rothko Chapel,” shares Baiba Bartkeviča, the festival's artistic director.

On the first day of the “Liepāja Art Forum,” the visual art exhibition "Stories of Growth," curated by Inese Rozentāle, will open in the concert hall's art space "Civita Nova." This exhibition will feature works by SEB Painting Scholarship winners Neonilla Medvedeva, Atis Jākabsons, Zane Tuča, Elza Sīle, Laimdota Steķe, Klāvs Lors, Madara Neikena, Zīle Ziemele, Sandra Strēle, Kristaps Priede, Anna Pommere, Krišjānis Elviķis, Madara Kvēpa, Alice Builevica, and Katrīna Biksone. The exhibition embodies the theme of growth and continuity, highlighting the development of artistic talent.

The opening musical event of the decade will be Krists Auznieks' mono-opera "Awareness," a piece that has earned a nomination for the 2023 Grand Music Award and will be performed in Latvia for only the second time. This work transcends traditional music, diving deeper into the human journey of awareness through the ancient Buddhist text Pali. Evija Vēbere's ethereal voice creates a spiritual ambiance, while artist Katrīna Neiburga transforms the hall into an extraordinary space, giving the soloist and the ensemble Trio Art-i-Shock a unique presence. Original video projections will enhance the opera's libretto, adding a powerful visual dimension to the soundscape.

Every year, the festival kicks off with an unforgettable party that offers a unique experience for every visitor. This year, the sixth floor of the concert hall will be transformed into a sensory wonderland, featuring a meditative atmosphere crafted by the talented artists Evija Vēbere and Elīna Silova. At the “Pulse” party, attendees can fully immerse themselves in the performance, freely engaging in conversation and dancing. With untamed sound designs, electronic dance rhythms, and lush vocals, the artists will create live soundscapes that promise a truly unique and captivating atmosphere.

Every single day, Liepāja residents flock to the popular Liepāja Peter’s Market to get their hands on the freshest produce. However, during the festival, this bustling market will be transformed into an unexpected stage for a groundbreaking contemporary dance performance titled "Borrowed Landscape," curated by Norwegian and Japanese choreographers Heine Avdal and Yukiko Shinozaki. Together with the Latvian artist alliance “IevaKrish” and other talented dancers, they will redefine the market space through imaginative interventions, thought-provoking questions, and theatrical actions. The spectacle will take place on the third day of the festival.

The rendition of Morton Feldman's magnum opus, “Rothko Chapel” will become the festival's pinnacle. Led by Kaspars Putniņš, the Latvian Radio Choir will join forces with the nation's finest instrumentalists to breathe life into this musical masterpiece. Much like the iconic Rothko Chapel in Houston, this performance will offer solace and contemplation to all who experience it. Before the strains of "Rothko Chapel" grace the ears of audience, soul-stirring compositions by Caroline Shaw, John Cage, Steve Reich, and Toshio Hosokawa, will guide listeners to an inner journey of profound reflection.

Sunday morning heralds a treat for children aged 3 to 6 and their parents – a sensory performance titled "Seasons," crafted by Liena Šmukste. Join actresses Rūta Dišlere and Ilze Bloka on a whimsical journey of discovery, where new friendships blossom, and each season unfolds with its unique atmosphere and emotions. Through the joy of play, witness a new world materialize before your eyes, evoking wonder, and delight at every turn.

The festival will conclude with a premiere, specially created for this occasion and provoking deep reflection on the mysteries that lie beyond life. Set against the backdrop of a week-long summer residency at PAiR, Pāvilosta, an exceptional team of artists – pianists Robert Fleitz, Rihards Plešanovs, and poet Madara Gruntmane – will unveil "Requiem for the Unknown Afterlife." Two pianos will serve as symbols of angels, guardians, and monuments to the enigmatic realms beyond, with each note resonating with deep significance. At its core, the individual takes centre stage, guiding us on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual enlightenment. Through each composition, audience will explore different interpretations of what transpires after one's earthly journey ends.

The “Liepāja Art Forum” is organized by “Lielais Dzintars” Ltd. Tickets for the festival's paid events are available at the "Biļešu paradīze" box office and online at More information about the festival is available at The event is supported by the Liepāja Municipality, the State Culture Capital Foundation, “Valmiermuiža”, “Kokmuiža”, “Gardu Muti”, SEB, the Art Academy of Latvia, “VV Foundation”, and Liepāja Peter’s Market “Liepājas Pētertirgus”.



18.00 Exhibition "STORIES OF GROWTH. 15 YEARS OF SEB SCHOLARSHIP IN PAINTING" (Art Space “Civita Nova”, Great Amber Concert Hall)

19.00 "AWARENESS" MONO-OPERA by KRISTS AUZNIEKS (Great Hall of the Great Amber Concert Hall)



11.00-13.00 THE OTHER PETER'S MARKET. PERFORMANCE "BORROWED LANDSCAPE" (Liepājas Pētertirgus, Kuršu iela 5-7/9)

18.00 ROTHKO CHAPEL. LATVIAN RADIO CHOIR (Great Hall of the Great Amber Concert Hall)


11.00-13.00 THE OTHER PETER'S MARKET. PERFORMANCE "BORROWED LANDSCAPE" (Liepājas Pētertirgus, Kuršu iela 5-7/9)

11.00 | 14.00 PERFORMANCE FOR CHILDREN "SEASONS" ("Civita Nova 6", Great Amber Concert Hall)

17.00 REQUIEM FOR THE AFTERLIFE. LIEPĀJA ART FORUM FINALE (Chamber Hall of the Great Amber Concert Hall)