Invitation to the Discussion “Modern Context of Historical Heritage”

Invitation to the Discussion “Modern Context of Historical Heritage”

We invite you to join us for the public discussion “Modern Context of Historical Heritage” on 26 July at 15:00 at the Liepāja Restoration Centre, located at 24 Bāriņu Street, Liepāja.

This discussion is part of the summer residency programme “FROM KNOW-HOW TO DO-HOW,” organized with the support of the New European Bauhaus, Liepāja Culture Department, and Kurzeme Planning Region, within the “Kurzeme Culture Programme 2024” of the SCCF target programme “Development Programme of Latvian Historical Lands.” The programme is packed with practical restoration workshops, educational initiatives, and intercultural cooperation to boost community involvement and enliven our urban environment.

This event provides an opportunity to:

Hear from experts and listen to engaging presentations, explore the importance of heritage, and discover effective conservation methods.

Participate in an interactive discussion, ask questions, share your experiences, and voice your thoughts on how heritage can drive community development and sustainability.

The speaker lineup includes:

Laura Kozlovska, an architect

Normunds Žieds, an architectural project manager

Ingus Krūmiņš, the owner of historic buildings and cultural spaces.