“Cheese Day” in Rucava to Usher in Midsummer Celebrations

“Cheese Day” in Rucava to Usher in Midsummer Celebrations

On 1 June, from 11:00 to 16:00, the farmstead of Rucava Tradition House “Zvanītāji” will host “Cheese Day” alongside a pre-Midsummer celebration. This event will gather cheese makers from the three cultural regions of South Kurzeme – Rucava, Barta, and Nīca – demonstrating the traditional method of making hard caraway cheese, a staple Midsummer cheese, popularly known as ‘Jāņu siers’ in Lower Kurzeme for generations.

Visitors can look forward to a variety of traditional food preparation demonstrations, including cheese making, flour porridge known as “kunkulini” or sour porridge, honey kvass and bread kvass. There will also be a masterclass on Rucava white butter led by the hosts of Tradition House. Additionally, a wreath-making masterclass with Līga Ate from the creative workshop “Ligate” will be offered, along with a crafts and home producers’ market and various other activities.

Natālija Grauduže, a representative of the Traditions Club, described the traditional method of preparing the cheese for Midsummer: “We shall tie it up firmly into the fabrics, put it into the cheese press with the stone on top and hang it in the barn to harden until the Solstice time. On the evening of 22 June, the large, hard caraway cheese of Lower Kurzeme will be distributed by the hostess of the house at “Vītolnieki” (the lady owner of the house is usually called the “mother of Jānis”, the one who celebrates his name day 'Jānis' of the 24 June) in Pape to everyone who has come together from all over.”

The day will be enriched by performances from ethnographic ensembles from Rucava, Barta, Nīca, Otaņķi, and Rucava primary school’s folklore group “Ķocītis.” The event will also feature music from the bluegrass band “Paurupīte” and other guests. At the end of the event, Vanda Davidanova, head of the “Cheese Club,” and Ginta Dzerkale from the Ministry of Agriculture will provide tips on how the Lower Kurzeme hard caraway cheese can be included in the list of protected products of the European Union alongside already listed Rucava white butter and other exceptional Latvian products. Signe Pucena, head of the interdisciplinary art group "Serde," will present the latest tradition book "Meals in South Kurzeme," which compiles traditional recipes and stories from local housewives. Attendees can expect more stories and surprises, table songs, and singing.

For more information and to register for the market, masterclasses, and workshops, please contact +37129618492 or +37126409823.

"Cheese Day" is organized by the "Rucava Tradition Club" with support from the South Kurzeme Regional Culture Department and the Latvian Rural Advisory and Education Centre (LLKC).