Youth Program Participants Develop Public Speaking and Collaboration Skills

On February 22, participants of the Youth Program gathered at Club “Kursa” to explore what makes a successful team, how each individual can find their role, and how to collaborate effectively to achieve a common goal.
They discussed team communication strategies and ways to tackle challenges. To address these topics, participants analyzed both their own and their team’s strengths and weaknesses, practiced teamwork, and worked on building a trusting environment.
These skills will be essential as they gradually develop a cultural event concept that will be evaluated by a jury.
On March 8, the Youth Program participants attended a guest lecture, “21st Century DEfect”, led by Renāts Butkus—a teacher at Liepāja State Technical School, a lecturer at Turība University, and an experienced event host.
The lecture aimed to enhance public speaking skills, highlight key aspects of addressing an audience, and provide practical techniques for managing stress.
During the session, participants presented their cultural event ideas, explaining their goals and target audiences. They then received valuable recommendations from mentor Ance Tīmane, helping them refine both their concepts and presentation skills.
The Youth Pilot Project is implemented by Liepāja 2027 in collaboration with the Development Platform YOU+, the Izgaismo Ideju association from South Kurzeme, and the Sprādziens youth association from Kuldīga.