Liepāja 2027’s “Rock the Rock” Programme to Open Next Year with Eight Unique Music and Art Projects

8. November, 2024

The awaited “Rokas roku” (Rock the Rock) programme, part of the “Liepāja 2027” initiative, is set to launch in 2025 with eight interdisciplinary music and art projects awarded a total of €40,000 in support.

Announced by the Liepāja 2027 Foundation, this programme aims to unearth the “bedrock” of Liepāja’s deep-rooted rock music heritage while nurturing fresh cultural innovation across the city and beyond.

““Rock the Rock” is more than an homage to Liepāja’s rock legacy,” said Baiba Bartkeviča, Liepāja 2027’s Board Member for Artistic Affairs.

“It’s a chance to create new artistic platforms that shine a fresh light on our city’s rock roots, uniting creativity across music and art, and bridging communities in Liepāja, Kuldīga, Skrunda, and South Kurzeme. These projects will build partnerships and demonstrate cultural diversity, fostering a deeper sense of identity and collaboration in the region.”

After receiving thirteen applications, eight outstanding projects were awarded funding and will be brought to life by 31 October 2025. Highlights among the selected projects include:

  • “Kultūrpiedzīvojums (p)ar roku” (Cultural Adventure (for) about a Rock) by Liepāja Music Ltd. With €6,500 in funding, this project celebrates the 1980s rock phenomenon in Liepāja through an interactive exhibition, discussions, and a concert exploring the era’s impact and resonance.
  • “Mēs Liepājai 2027” (We are for Liepāja 2027) by the association “Tici sev,” also receiving €6,500, offers a unique interdisciplinary exploration of the democratic movements of Liepāja’s post-Soviet society during the 1980s-1990s.
  • “Roks un ērģeles Liepājai” (Rock and Organ for Liepāja) by the “Baringtons K2” association, awarded €5,000, promises a soulful blend of organ and rock music at Liepāja Luther Church, produced in collaboration with “Rīgas Mūzikas biedrība” / “Okoncerts.”
  • “Rock Revolution” at the “Kursa” club, presented by “Radošā darbnīca” Ltd and funded with €5,000, will feature panel discussions and a concert spotlighting local rock bands with international acclaim yet still lesser-known within Latvia.
  • “Kā kļūt par liepājnieku?” (How to Become a ‘Liepājnieks’) by “Equilibrium Group” Foundation, with €5,000 funding, will be dedicated to the Liepāja’s underground culture in a performance-production tributing the city’s future, directed by Andris Zeļonka and composer Jēkabs Nīmanis with the participation on young people from Liepāja.
  • “Roks par brīvību” (Rock for Freedom) by Art Management Group Ltd. will bring Latvia’s top rock musicians to Skrunda Mound Stage for a one-evening grand concert with €3,000 funding.
  • “Roka saknes Lejaskurzemē” (Roots of Rock in Lower Kurzeme) by the association “Sabiedrības attīstības centrs” and the ethno-group “Ogas,” supported with €5,000, will create rock renditions of traditional Rucava melodies.
  • “Rokam roku: Skaņas revolūcija” (Rock the Rock: The Revolution of Sound) – a three-year venture to celebrate Liepāja’s rock heritage through art, music, fashion, and theatre, awarded €4,000. It will be organized by “Tipogrāfijas radošais kvartāls” Ltd.

A jury of five experts, chaired by Baiba Bartkeviča and including cultural leaders such as Inese Gusta, Deputy Head of the South Kurzeme Regional Culture Board, Nauris Lazdāns, Deputy Head of the Liepāja Culture Department, Inta Burnevica, Head of the Kuldīga Culture Centre, and Eva Ciekurze, Member of the Board for Finance and Legal Affairs of Liepāja 2027, selected these projects based on their innovation, interdisciplinary approach, and potential to uplift the Liepāja 2027 programme.

The project competition aimed to provide financial support to cultural initiatives that would enrich and elevate the Liepāja 2027 “Rock the Rock” events, bringing Liepāja’s rock heritage into new focus. Designed to engage cultural sites and organizations across Liepāja, South Kurzeme, and Kuldīga, the competition sought to enhance the diversity and quality of cultural programming. It promoted creative expression, fostered international partnerships between cultural organizations, and encouraged innovative, interdisciplinary projects. A central goal was to increase public engagement with culture and ensure accessible cultural experiences for a broad audience.

The competition was made possible through funding from the Liepāja 2027 Foundation and the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Latvia.‍