Invitation to Participate in a Study by LAC and Liepāja 2027 on Cultural Consumption Habits in Liepāja, South Kurzeme, and Kuldīga Regions

Residents aged 18 and older who are not employed in the cultural sector are invited to participate in a cultural activity diary study.
Participants will document their cultural activities over the course of one month.
Cultural activities include reading books, watching films and TV, listening to music, attending theaters or museums, engaging in amateur arts, creative activities, photography, and more. Researchers are also interested in digital cultural practices such as streaming music and films, reading e-books, searching for cultural information online, browsing cultural institutions’ websites, and visiting virtual museums.
As a token of appreciation, 10 participants will receive Liepāja gift cards.The study is conducted by researchers from the Latvian Academy of Culture (LAC) Institute of Culture and Arts, commissioned by the Liepāja 2027 Foundation. Its goal is to explore the cultural consumption habits of residents in Liepāja and the surrounding regions, both in-person and digitally.
Detailed information and application form.
Thank you in advance for your participation!