People from Regions Learn Drama and Directing in Aizpute

27. February, 2025

Aizpute recently became a hub for theatre artists, hosting masterclasses in dramaturgy and directing.

This initiative brought together enthusiasts from eight different regions, aiming to enrich the knowledge of amateur theatre directors from South Kurzeme, Kuldīga, and Liepāja City with fresh, diverse methods of theatre dramaturgy and directing. The event was not only limited to these areas; eager participants also flocked in from Ventspils, Saldus, Tukums, Talsi, Bauska, and Sigulda.

Participants had the unique opportunity to gain firsthand exposure to the professional experiences of theatre artists Kristīne Brīniņa and Sandija Santa. The workshops focused on the technical intricacies of theatre production and explored innovative methods of documenting and collecting performance material in real-time.

One of the highlights was watching several scenes performed by the actor Kārlis Artejevs from Kristīne Brīniņa’s play that she produced for Liepāja Theatre – “Bright Nights”. This experience allowed attendees to learn about the director’s unique methods, the actor’s craft, and the critical elements to consider when creating documentary performances.

The masterclasses were a successful collaboration, organized by the Municipality of South Kurzeme and financially supported by the foundation “Liepāja 2027.”