Researchers from the Latvian Academy of Culture will study cultural events organized by NGOs

Researchers from the Latvian Academy of Culture will study cultural events organized by NGOs

This weekend, a team of researchers from the Latvian Academy of Culture will visit several events in Liepāja, Kuldīga, and South Kurzeme regions to conduct an evaluation study for the project "Liepāja – European Capital of Culture 2027." As part of the baseline study, they will closely examine the engagement of visitors at cultural events organized by non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and the role of these events in fostering engagement in various societal processes.

We encourage everyone approached by researchers from the Latvian Academy of Culture for interviews, focus group discussions, and other research activities to be responsive, providing comprehensive and valuable information. This will ensure that the voices of different population groups and cultural sector professionals are effectively included in the Liepāja 2027 program.

The researchers will be present at and can be met during the following events:

Saturday, July 27, from 11:00 AM at the event "Annas dienas Godi" in Pape Ķoņi village "Vītolnieki," South Kurzeme region. The event is organized by the Rucava Cultural Space Development Association.

Sunday, July 28, from 3:00 PM at the "Trubadūrs" Singer-Songwriter Festival in Renda, Kuldīga region. The event is organized by the Austras Association.

Sunday, July 28, from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM at the Suitu Market in Alsunga, Kuldīga region. The event is organized by the "Alsunga Smart Village" Association.

Monday, July 29, from 4:00 PM at the festival "Art?! in the Streets and Courtyards" in Pegaza Courtyard, Liepāja. The event is organized by the "KultūrBĀKA" Association.

This activity is part of a broader study. From March 2024 to March 2025, the Latvian Academy of Culture, in collaboration with the Liepāja 2027 team, will conduct research to obtain comparable data. This data will allow for the assessment of the cultural, economic, social, and other impacts of the "Liepāja – European Capital of Culture 2027" project in 2028.

The study aims to determine how the European Capital of Culture 2027 title and the activities implemented during the project will develop international and mutual cooperation in Liepāja and the surrounding regions. It also seeks to understand how public participation in environmental development will change, whether and how the quality of life for residents will improve with the help of digital services, identify and strengthen the identity elements of the involved regions, and investigate changes in residents' understanding of engagement in various societal processes.

Throughout the study, data will be collected using various quantitative and qualitative methods from all stakeholders involved in the project, including residents of Liepāja city, Kuldīga and South Kurzeme regions, representatives of the cultural and creative sectors, policymakers, local development experts, education and tourism sector representatives, attendees of specific events, and others.